Aug 13, 2018



I have been private this blog for long terms. Maybe it content would be a bit different than before since I growth up 🤭 

Lets talk about my life path these days.

My convocation already passed with success, Alhamdulillah. I still doing my job as assistant (or maybe you will name it as clerk) for my family business, Alhamdulillah. I didn’t plan for search on any jobs as qualified with my certificate since nowadays its quite challenging for works in government & private sectors. So, involves in both I choose to stay helping my mum & dad. Alhamdulillah, they paid me hahaha and I already can adapted with business life T_T It was challenging  life !!!!!! Need more to be SABAR.

But, I am quite despressed after graduated since people around (neighbours, relatives)  asking me why do I not wander around. Work at other states & search qualified jobs. Its keep bothering me everytime until I cried. Sometimes, I feel sorry to my parent because of I don’t have good jobs. I cannot help them during they have money problem (sometimes) & I feel so useless. I swear & there have person compared me with her daughter. Well, her daughter goes to Johor after got married and all the convenience well prepared by her husband. I told him, your daughter was so lucky because no need to wasting time search on rent house & think how to go work by bus or grab? Hahaha. I think so many time for wander around but living cost, rental cost really disturb me weh. Sorry terlalu banyak alasan.

Instead of all the reason, I choose to stay here for my mum. If I always be here, it would be make her easy for go anywhere. Pasar, clinic, supermarket, hypermarket sorry Dungun didn’t have hypermarket lol. Sometimes, she needs me for search on lauk at Pasar, buy toiletories, some stuffs for our shop and today was worse day for her. Dia pergi cabut gigi sebab terlalu sakit & doctor said, part gigi yang nak dicabut tu dah bernanah. Seriau ! So how I want to wander around if she really needs me. Huwaaaa !! 

Based on the situation above, I need to sacrifice. I need to sacrifice for the certificate that I have. What I am done today is for my family & this is the only way I can do to them. I’m just hoping one day, I can do more than this. 

For people around, I just need to sabar, ignore bads thinking/words from them. Positives for what Allah planned. I would thank to people who positives & supports what I do. Good words give high spirit to me for going this far. Alhamdulillah ✨

This entry was update through my iphone. So parapraph & grammar probs would be happen. Will reupdate soon after I got my laptop back 😬


  1. Awak, it is okay. orang tak akan faham selagi mereka tiada di tempat kita. kan? They will never understand until they taste it on their skin, (again). kan? so, be strong! good life is coming.

    1. yup, sekarang dah macam okay. Bila people arround give pressures, boleh lagi rilek sekarang cuma cakap dah mintak kerja tapi tak dapat (bohong) sebab nak bagi mereka diam. hihi, thank you so much for your positive comment. May Allah bless you and Amin.


Don't Spam. Positive words only, pretty ♥