Sep 9, 2018

O'cera Moiturizing Cream


Aku dah guna O'cera moisturizer ni around one month ++ dan sekarang pun ada lagi. Salah satu sebab aku suka produk farmasi dan drugstore, tahan lama. Kau habis 23ringgit tapi benda tu tahan 1-3 bulan.

Ada sebab aku beli O'cera. First terpengaruh. Kalaulah dia ni aku pakai breakout, mahu menangis tak berlagu. Second, benda ni ada 2% ceramide. Okay, apa yang best sangat ceramide tu sampai aku beli?

Okay, first aku tahu pasal O'cera sebab baca thread skincare. Dia cakap dia pakai produk tu bagus and muka dia looking good and healthy. So, aku tekan username yang dia tag iaitu Maisarahmahmud. Dalam aku scroll threads dia, aku nampak dia tweet hydrating products + ceramide if i am not mistaken.

So akhirnya aku beli O'cera sebab ada ceramide. Lepas beli baru aku continue research.

For those yang nak repair skin barrier you should take products contain ceramide but make sure in low percentage. For beginner, if you want to used active ingredients your basic skincare mesti kukuh including sunscreen and low percentage acid like cosrx.

Kalau korang pakai skincare product tu dah bertahun tiba tiba breakout, itu tanda skin barrier korang terganggu. So back to hydrating. Low ph cleanser, moiturizer for repair your skin barrier and sunscreen. Sebabnya, over exfoliate, pakai cleanser yang ph tinggi, guna produk yang ada merkuri.

Besides for repair your skin barrier, ceramide also makes your skin glowing. Perfect match of course hydrating product! Either you use it with hydrating toner, you also can use it with hydrating sheet mask.

If you have acne prone skin, I not suggest this for you. Seriously since it texture thick and greesy when you applied onto your skin. So you must use some lightweight / oil free products.

Result aku sendiri lepas guna O'cera

🌵 teksture dia tak padat, nipis aje dan greesy.    Muka kau akan nampak berminyak lepas pakai.

🌵 Tapi bila bangun pagi, tak berminyak langsung  weh. Kulit pun rasa macam normal.

🌵 Tak rasa tegang, pedih, berpeluh masa pakai, tak rasa gatal

🌵 Repurchase? Yes.

This brand bukan krim kilo ye. You can find this dekat Lazada, Shopee & Farmasi Al Pro.

Aku beli dekat Farmasi Al Pro, RM23 je.

Honest review tau. Aku beli pakai duit sendiri and already try it for a month ++


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